
Project news & success stories

Anavon: Last chance to invest ⏱️

March 15, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

The Anavon crowdinvesting campaign on has only 11 hours left to run. Now is your last chance to become a shareholder in this innovative premium ski manufacturer. So far, 92 investors are convinced by the company and have provided almost CHF 300,000. You can find the campaign information and the investment function at ➡️

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Das Zelt reaches next milestone: CHF 500,000 invested 📈

March 14, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

The crowdinvesting campaign for Das Zelt – the only fully digitalised live entertainment provider in Switzerland – is still running for another month on It is clear that people are longing for the entertainment services offered by this company, as the investment amounts are rising steadily. With 181 investors and CHF 501,500 in funds

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Anavon crowdinvesting only runs for 2 more days! ⏱️

March 13, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

Anavon’s crowdinvesting campaign on is only running for 2 more days, until 15/03/2024 23:59h. There are currently 86 investors with almost CHF 300,000 invested. You still have the chance to become a co-owner of the innovative premium ski manufacturer Anavon. You can find all the information on the campaign page: ➡️

PayGreen is supported by InnoSuisse and the FHNW 🎓

March 12, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

PayGreen is currently running its crowdinvesting campaign on The company has developed a payment solution that contributes to CO₂ reduction without greenwashing. The idea has been supported by Innosuisse and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) since the company was founded. The innovative sustainable business model has already won over

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RRREVOLVE successfully completes its crowd investment 🥳

March 11, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

RRREVOLVE’s crowdinvesting campaign on closed at midnight. The company was able to collect an impressive CHF 584,507 from 496 investors and has thus been able to fulfil 243% of its funding threshold. We congratulate RRREVOLVE and wish them every success in realising their plan to become a fair clothing producer. You can read about

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Das Zelt exceeds CHF 450,000 investment sum 🎪

March 8, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

Once again, we have good news about Das Zelt’s crowdinvesting campaign, which is currently running on The company has now received CHF 459,050 in investments from 173 investors and has thus passed the CHF 450,000 milestone. You still have until the end of April to participate in the company’s future plans with an investment.

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RRREVOLVE has developed its first own clothing line 🧵

March 7, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

The fair fashion pioneer in Switzerland – RRREVOLVE – is currently running its crowdinvesting campaign on, and you have the chance to help the company as an investor to become a manufacturer of fair clothing. RRREVOLVE developed its first own clothing collection last year and was the first manufacturer with its own logo on

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Anavon offers ski building workshops for future owners ⛷️

March 6, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

The premium ski manufacturer Anavon from Disentis, which is currently running a crowd-investing campaign on, enables future owners to build their own skis. The 1 or 2-day ski building workshops are an opportunity for Anavon to increase brand loyalty and give the owner a unique chance to gain an insight into a complex craft.

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PayGreen with a clear development strategy 🧑‍💻

March 4, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

PayGreen’s crowdinvesting campaign on is in full swing, and you have the chance to invest in this innovative company that is developing a payment solution with a CO₂ reduction incentive for companies. PayGreen has a clear strategy: in 2023, PayGreen achieved its targets and successfully completed the market proof. Both online shops and consumers

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Das Zelt is extending its crowd-investing campaign 🎪

March 1, 2024 By In CONDA Blog Post, For investors, Project news & success stories

Das Zelt’s crowdinvesting campaign on is in full swing, and the response has been so good that the funding threshold was quickly exceeded. The company has now decided to capitalise on the momentum to raise further funds and give investors the opportunity to participate in the company. There is now a whole month longer

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