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Folding photovoltaic roof- HORIZON

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Zizers, Switzerland

Folding photovoltaic roof- HORIZON

The solar energy solution for asphalt surfaces. With the folding photovoltaic roof, dhp technology is paving the way for the application of solar energy generation on already used infrastructure and asphalt surfaces, such as sewage treatment plants, logistics areas and parking lots. The potential is largely untapped and enormous, and the demand for the folding photovoltaic roof is constantly increasing. Be part of the success story of the folding photovoltaic roof and contribute to the energy transition!

Successfully financed

1.538.850 CHF


1539% Financed

Folding photovoltaic roof- HORIZON

The solar energy solution for asphalt surfaces. With the folding photovoltaic roof, dhp technology is paving the way for the application of solar energy generation on already used infrastructure and asphalt surfaces, such as sewage treatment plants, logistics areas and parking lots. The potential is largely untapped and enormous, and the demand for the folding photovoltaic roof is constantly increasing. Be part of the success story of the folding photovoltaic roof and contribute to the energy transition!

Successfully financed

1.538.850 CHF


1539% Financed



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  • The world's only solar energy solution for infrastructure surfaces
  • The only photovoltaic solution that allows true dual use of impervious surfaces without restriction of the primary use.
  • Patent protection in 11 EU countries
  • Perfect interaction with electromobility, produces the fuel of the future on site
  • 12 projects delivered in Switzerland and 3 projects sold in Germany, more than 30 projects in the pipeline, applications in Europe, USA and Asia
  • Sales of CHF 8.6 million in 2020, breakeven expected in 2023.
  • dhp is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified

"We turn any asphalt surface into a solar power plant without any restrictions and produce the fuel for electric mobility".Gian Andri Diem and Andreas Hügli // Co-founders and managing partners


Gian Andri Diem
Gian Andri Diem

Co-founder and managing partner


Degree in business administration from the University of St. Gallen. Project and area manager at several Swiss energy companies in the areas of trade, production, network and distribution. Advisor to major Swiss utilities in the areas of electromobility, prosuming, microgrids and trade. In 2015, founded dhp technology with Andreas HĂĽgli.

Andreas HĂĽgli
Andreas HĂĽgli

Co-founder and managing partner


Mechanical engineer and EMBA in general management. Several management positions in mechanical and process engineering in the semiconductor and photovoltaic industry. In 2012 founded reech, a photovoltaic engineering company and in 2015 founded dhp technology with Gian Andri Diem.

Gerhard Gögl
Gerhard Gögl

Director of Materials Management and Quality


"Finally making the energy turnaround and eclipsing everything with folding photovoltaic roofs from dhp technology is what motivates me". Training as a mechanic, HES engineer in precision mechanics, EMBA of Business Administration. Professional experience as a development engineer in medical technology, event organization in the field of freestyle sports and since 2019 working for dhp technology and the folding photovoltaic roof.

Frederik Gort
Frederik Gort

Project Engineering Manager


"With the folding solar roof, we can generate renewable energy on surfaces already in use, without compromising the primary use of the surface. The potential is huge and I am proud to be part of this company." Trained as an environmental engineer with a focus on renewable energy and renewable feedstocks. Since 2016, he has been part of dhp technology and is responsible for project planning and assembly. Currently, he is taking a master's degree in business administration in parallel to his work.

Marcel Martin
Marcel Martin

Production Manager


"I appreciate dhp as a future-oriented employer with a highly qualified team of specialists and professionals. The enthusiasm for the solutions around the HORIZON folding solar roof is palpable every day." Trained as a master mechanic HFP, graduate in business management NDS HF and active for more than 20 years as an operations and production manager in medium-sized companies. 10 years of experience as quality management manager according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Works for dhp technology since 2021.

Philip Racine
Philip Racine

Director of Systems Engineering


"Producing sustainable energy where it is needed makes sense, helps create value in the country and is a key element of the 2050 energy strategy. Being part of a company that is actively working on the solutions of the future motivates and fulfills me." Trained as an electrical engineer and has work experience as a commissioning engineer in large international industrial companies. Works for dhp since 2019.

Dominik Schädler
Dominik Schädler

Director of Product Development and Management


"The production of renewable energy on already existing structures is exactly the synergy that should be further exploited in the development of new products. People, product and performance are for me the three main pillars that dhp can be proud of." Degree in mechanical engineering and economics, 15 years working mainly in the semiconductor industry as a product development and product management manager. Works at dhp since 2019.

Carmen Scheuber
Carmen Scheuber

Responsible for prospecting and project development


"With the folding photovoltaic roof, we are generating solar electricity on large areas where it would not be possible or only to a limited extent without our innovative solution. What excites me is that with the folding solar roof, we offer an innovative solution while actively contributing to the energy transition!" Master's degree in European studies, activity as a project and marketing employee. Since 2019, she has been helping dhp to ensure that more and more areas are covered with a folding solar roof.

Additional Information​

Financial information

Instrument: participation certificate

Currency: CHF

Company information

Company: dhp technology AG

Number of employees: 32

Founded: 2015

Commercial register number:


Contact person for investors

Name: Gian Andri Diem, co-founder and managing partner


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